“I enjoyed this competition so much! The whole concept and execution of it and how well the Facebook group is run. I felt so much support, and it was probably my favourite competition I’ve entered.”
— Amy O’Neal, United Kingdom
Prize: £1,000 | Entry: Tickets | Words: 5,000 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 23rd Oct, 2023
For this short story challenge, all participants will be randomly assigned a genre pairing. As soon as you receive your ‘smashed’ genres, you'll have until the closing time to write and submit a short story of any length up to 5,000 words, that perfectly and seamlessly combines both genres into one amazing short story.
There is no theme. Instead, participants will be assigned one of six genre pairs.
You must first buy a ticket. After you buy a ticket, you’ll be redirected to the submission instructions. They are also sent by email.
The winner will be announced on the 17th Dec, 2023.
The feedback exchange will take place in our members-only Facebook group on the 18th Dec, 2023.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 16th Oct, 2023
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme is: Halloween
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 11th Sep, 2023
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme is: Nature
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 14th Aug, 2023
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme is: Serendipity
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 17th Jul, 2023
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme is: Fear
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 12th Jun, 2023
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme is: Perception
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 15th May, 2023
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme is: Enemies
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 17th Apr, 2023
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme is: Fools
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 16th Jan, 2023
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme is: Memories
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £1,000 | Entry: Tickets | Words: 5,000 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 6th Mar, 2023
For this short story challenge, all participants will be randomly assigned a science fiction trope. As soon as you receive your assignment you'll have until the closing time to write and submit a short story of no more than 5,000 words. All we ask is that your story has your assigned science fiction trope woven into the plot somehow. How much prominence you give to the assigned trope is up to you, but it must be a significant part of the plot.
There is no theme. Instead, participants will be assigned one of five science fiction tropes.
You must first buy a ticket. After you buy a ticket, you’ll be redirected to the submission instructions. They are also sent by email.
The winner will be announced on the 15th May, 2023.
The feedback exchange will take place in our members-only Facebook group on the 16th May, 2023.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 12th Dec, 2022
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme is: Children/Childhood
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £1,000 | Entry: Tickets | Words: 1,000 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 12th Dec, 2022
For this flash fiction challenge, all participants will be randomly assigned a paranormal entity. As soon as you receive your assignment, you'll have until the closing time to write and submit a story of no more than 1,000 words. All we ask is that your story has your assigned paranormal entity woven into the plot somehow. You can combine paranormal with any other literary genre, and you can write in any style.
There is no theme. Instead, participants will be assigned one of five paranormal entities.
You must first buy a ticket. After you buy a ticket, you’ll be redirected to the submission instructions. They are also sent by email.
The winner will be announced on the 28th Feb, 2023
The feedback exchange will take place in our members-only Facebook group on the 13th Dec, 2022
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 14th November, 2022
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme was: Paranormal
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £1,000 | Entry: Tickets | Words: 4,000 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 28th Oct, 2022
For this short story challenge, all participants will be randomly assigned a period in history. As soon as you receive your assignment, you'll have until the closing time to research, write, and submit a short story of no more than 4,000 words, set during this historical period. All we ask is that your story be set in your assigned period. How much the history influences the plot is up to you.
There is no theme. Instead, participants will be assigned one of five historical periods.
You must first buy a ticket. After you buy a ticket, you’ll be redirected to the submission instructions. They are also sent by email.
The winner has been announced. You can read the winning story here.
The feedback exchange will take place in our members-only Facebook group on the 1st Nov, 2022.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 17th October, 2022
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme was: Luck
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £500 | Entry: Free | Words: 2,000 | Starts: 9:00am (UK time) 19th September, 2022 | Deadline: 9:00am (UK time) 26th September, 2022
A secret theme, a randomly assigned genre, and just 7 days to write a story of no more than 2,000 words. Submission is done by email. You must register for these challenges. If you’ve registered for 7 Day Story Writing Challenges before, there is no need to register again.
The theme was: Family
Register to take part in the next challenge. If you’ve registered before, there is no need to re-register. You’ll receive the submission instructions by email when the challenge begins. Submission is done by email.
The winner will be announced on the 31st Oct. You can read the winning story here.
The Feedback Exchange will begin on the 27th September 2022 in our Love-to-Write Group.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 12th Sept, 2022
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme was: Metamorphosis
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prizes: 3X £50 | Entry: FREE | Words: 75 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 6th Sept, 2022
This mini challenge is all about describing characters. We’ve posted 3 photographs in our Love Writing Facebook Group. You’ll find them in the ‘Featured’ section. We want you to imagine that each photo is a character in a story you’re writing. We’d like you to come up with a short piece of character description for each character, no more than 75 words long.
There is no theme.
This contest is closed.
The winners have been announced.
There’s no feedback exchange. If you want to get feedback, post your entry in the group asking for feedback.
Prize: £200 | Entry: free | Words: 500 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 29th Aug, 2022
The first sentence of any story is arguably the most important sentence. Not only is it probably the one sentence that everyone who comes across your story will read, it is your only chance to make a good first impression with readers and judges. A first sentence should entice your reader, hook them, and make them want to read on. For this contest, we’d like you to write a complete story, but pay particular attention to the first sentence. There will be 2 rounds of judging for this competition. In the first round, all stories will be judged according to our usual criteria. In the second round of judging, the finalists will be judged solely on their first sentence.
We’d like all stories to be set at a carnival or fairground. You can write in any genre or style.
Submission instructions can be found here.
The winner will be announced on the 10th October.
The feedback exchange will take place in our Love Writing group on the 30th August.
Prize: £1,500 | Entry: Tickets | Words: 8,000 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 23rd Aug, 2022
We’re looking for the best short story of no more than 8,000 words. There is no theme for this competition. Your story can be written in any genre or style, but it must be fiction.
There is no theme or assigned genre for this competition.
This contest is closed!
The winner of this competition will be announced on the 12th October, 2022. You can view the winner here.
The Feedback Exchange will begin on 24th Aug, 2022 in our Members-Only Group.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 15th August, 2022
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme was: Darkness
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
We’ll be announcing the finalists on the 22nd August, 2022 and voting will begin.
Voting closes at 23:59 (UK time) on the 28th August, 2022. The winner will be announced the following day. We’ll link to the winning entry here.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 18th July, 2022
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme was: Cats
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
We’ll be announcing the finalists on the 21st July, 2022 and voting will begin.
Voting closes at 23:59 (UK time) on the 27th July, 2022 and the winner will be announced the following day. We’ll link to the winning entry here.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £500 | Entry: Free | Words: 2,000 | Starts: 9:00am (UK time) 4th July, 2022 | Deadline: 9:00am (UK time) 11th July, 2022
A secret theme, a randomly assigned genre, and just 7 days to write a story of no more than 2,000 words. Submission is done by email. You must register for these challenges. If you’ve registered for 7 Day Story Writing Challenges before, there is no need to register again.
You’ll receive the theme and your genre by email when the challenge begins!
Register to take part in the next challenge. If you’ve registered before, there is no need to reregister. You’ll receive the submission instructions by email when the next challenge begins. Submission is done by email.
The winner will be announced on the 30th September. You can read the winning story here.
The Feedback Exchange will begin on the 12th July, 2022 in our Love-to-Write Group.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 1 Sentence | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 13th June, 2022
You’ll need to read this blog post before you participate in the challenge. We’re looking for the best first sentence to a story that doesn’t exist yet. You can find all the instructions on how to participate by reading the competition post.
No theme! Check the competition post for full details of the contest.
Go to the competition post in our Love to Write Group. Follow the instructions on the post. leave your entry/entries as comments. This challenge is now closed!
Voting to pick the winner will begin on 13th July in our Love to Write! Facebook group.
You can leave feedback on other people’s entries, if you wish. You can also ask for feedback by posting your entry in the group and saying that you want feedback on it.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 13th June, 2022
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme was: Flying
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
We’ll be announcing the finalists on the 20th June, 2022 and voting will begin.
Voting closes at 23:59 (UK time) on the 27th May, 2022. The winner will be announced the following day. We’ll link to the winning entry here.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £1,000 | Entry: Tickets | Words: 3,000 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 17th May, 2022
We’re looking for the best short memoir story of no more than 3,000 words. A short memoir is a piece of creative nonfiction in which the writer explores a single episode of their life, or a small selection of vignettes connected by a common theme.
This year, we’re looking for creative nonfiction stories about places that have made you, changed you, or inspired you.
You must buy a ticket for this contest. Submission instructions are sent to you when you purchase your ticket. Submission is done by email.
The winner of this competition will be announced on the 31st August, 2022. You can read the winning story here.
The Feedback Exchange will begin on 18th May, 2022 in our Members-Only Group. You’ll be invited to join the group when you buy your ticket.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 16th May, 2022
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme was: Blue
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
The winner has been announced. You can find the winner here
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £500 | Entry: Free | Words: 2,000 | Starts: 9:00am (UK time) 2nd May, 2022 | Deadline: 9:00am (UK time) 9th May, 2022
A secret theme, a randomly assigned genre, and just 7 days to write a story of no more than 2,000 words. Submission is done by email. You must register for these challenges. If you’ve registered for 7 Day Story Writing Challenges before, there is no need to register again.
You’ll receive the theme and your genre by email when the challenge begins!
Register to take part in the next challenge. If you’ve registered before, there is no need to re-register. You’ll receive the submission instructions by email when the next challenge begins. Submission is done by email.
You can read the winning story here.
The Feedback Exchange will begin on the 10th May, 2022 in our Love-to-Write Group.
Prize: £200 | Entry: free | Words: 500 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 24th April, 2022
This competition is brought to you by our NEW 100+ Flash Fiction Prompts! There is no theme or assigned genre for this competition. Instead, we would like you to use a prompt from our database of 100+ Flash Fiction Prompts. There will be 2 rounds of judging for this competition. In the first round, all stories will be judged according to our usual criteria. In the second round of judging, the finalists will be judged solely on how well they have mastered ‘Show, Don’t Tell’.
There was no theme or assigned genre for this competition. Instead, we asked participants to use a prompt from our database of 100+ Flash Fiction Prompts.
Submission instructions can be found here. This competition is now closed.
The winner will be announced on: 16th May, 2022.You can view the winner here.
The Feedback Exchange has begun in our Love to Write! Group.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 11th Apr, 2022
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme was: Magic
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
We’ll be announcing the finalists on the 18th April, 2022 and voting will begin.
Voting closes at 23:59 (UK time) on the 24th April, 2022. The winner will be announced the following day. We’ll link to the winning entry here. The winning entry can be found here.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 50 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 17th Mar, 2022
We’ve put together some examples of ‘telling’. All you have to do is to rewrite them as ‘showing’. You can choose to rewrite just one example, or you can have a go at all of them. You can even rewrite the same example more than once. Each one must be no more than 50 words in length! We’ll choose our favourite example of ‘showing’ at the end of the challenge. The winner will receive £100! You can find the competition post here.
No theme!
Go to the competition post in our Love to Write Group. Follow the instructions on the post. leave your entry/entries as comments.
The winner has been announced. Find the result here.
You can leave feedback on other people’s entries, if you wish. You can also ask for feedback by posting your entry in the group and saying that you want feedback on it.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 14th Mar, 2022
Each month we give our members a new theme. They must write no more than 100 words of fiction or nonfiction, poetry or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket.
The theme was: Yellow/Orange
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
We’ll be announcing the finalists on the 21st Mar, 2022 and voting will begin.
Voting closes at 23:59 (UK time) on the 27th Mar, 2022. The winner will be announced the following day.
The winner has been announced. Find the winning entry here.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 14th Feb, 2022
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme was: (Writing) Rejection.
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
We’ll be announcing the finalists on the 21st Feb, 2022 and voting will begin.
Voting closes at 23:59 (UK time) on the 27th Feb, 2022. The winner will be announced the following day.
The winner has been announced. Find the result here.
The Feedback Exchange will begin on the 28th Feb, 2022 in the Members-Only Group
Prize: £500 | Entry: Free | Words: 2,000 | Starts: 9:00am (UK time) 7th Feb, 2022 | Deadline: 9:00am (UK time) 14th Feb, 2022
A secret theme, a randomly assigned genre, and just 7 days to write a story of no more than 2,000 words. Submission is done by email. You must register for these challenges. If you’ve registered for 7 Day Story Writing Challenges before, there is no need to register again.
The theme was: A Twist of Fate
This challenge is now closed. You can register to take part in the net challenge. If you’ve registered before, there is no need to re-register. You’ll receive the submission instructions by email when the next challenge begins. Submission is done by email.
The winner has been announced. Find the winner by clicking here.
The Feedback Exchange has already taken place in our Love-to-Write Group.
Prize: £100 | Entry: Free | Words: 100 | Deadline: 23:59 (UK time), 17th Jan, 2022
Each month we give our members a new theme. You must write no more than 100 words of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose inspired by the theme. We choose our favourites, and the members of the group vote for their winner. Anyone who participates in one of our pay-to-enter contests can join the group and take part in these monthly micros. If you’ve already paid to enter one of our contests, you can join the group now. You will be asked to verify the email address you used to buy your competition ticket before you are admitted.
The theme was: New Year’s Eve
If you’ve taken part in one of our pay-to-enter contests, you can join the Members-Only Group. The details of the contest and submission instructions can be found in the Featured/Announcements section.
We’ll be announcing the finalists on the 24th Jan, 2022 and voting will begin.
Voting closes at 23:59 (UK time) on the 30th Jan, 2022 and the winner will be announced the following day.
The winner has been announced.You can read the winning story here.
You can post your entry in the group after the winner has been announced if you want to get feedback.