Theme: Ruthless Ambition

Prize: £100


Meg Anderson

Anita Goodfellow

Kylie Cork

Raeesah Chandlay

Joe Clegg

Susan Wigmore

Anne Baillie

Joelle Simpson

Kathryn Clover

Sharon Pinner

Dexter Canete

Rhonda Zappelli

Linda Veenman

Sean Moore

Emil Cholich

Patrick Heffernan

Deryn Pittar

Heidi Mitchell

Robert Ellis

Rani Elvira

Valeria Yarusova

Julie Meier

Rachel McLean

Lily Elborn

Linda Flynn

Meg Fargher

Dhevalence Moodley

Ella Nightingale

Mary-Louise McGuinness

Sarah Lucaci

Lance Gose

Lorraine Thomson

Ali Perez

Maria Dean

Shabnam Younus

Joyce Bingham

James Hancock

Raaina Aranmolate

Connor Thornley

Molly Andrew

Kay Reeves

Jo Bland

Colleen Hogan

Nicole McLachlin

Edward White

Lisa VanGalen

Nelly Schulman

Elaine Cohen

Chris Kok


and the winner is…

Katrina Moinet

Going for Gold  

CLAP Clap clap

The force of ten thousand hands unites behind Hannah’s pin-sharp posture. Poised, she claps; ghost-dust rises. The arena drops into weighted silence as ten thousand eyes narrow to a single point. Curved calves quiver, heels flushed, toes grip. A super-charged cloud of now-or-never suspends above her shiny forehead and immaculate lady-made face: each unbearable atom of her being loaded.

Maxine’s throat constricts as her daughter somersaults from springboard to high bar; done umpteen times, at umpteen events but never here, never on such a prestigious stage. 


Maxine’s jaw clenches. Brick-teeth grind behind a blank smile. Her stomach lurches as Hannah attempts the big Salto. Keep your protein bullet-shake down, she prays. 


Maxine has held her breath Hannah’s whole fourteen-year-old life, from baby-feet patter to trials, try-outs, amateur try-harder late-nights, training, gaining medals, injuries, recoveries, every professional drama to right here, right now.


She’s spoilt Hannah, she knows. Stolen her own child’s childhood, hidden ambition inside lullabies, joyless Christmases passed over for moving up the seeding, super-food feeding her über-specimen, ligaments taut, tendons strengthened through repeated tension.


Who needs hazy, lazy summer days, anyway? Climbing trees (injury risk), making mud pies (fruitless energy waste), dolly-playtime (useless role-play). Her daughter needs skills, not friendships.

swing   fly land


A flawless routine, gold a hair’s breadth from Maxine’s fingertips.

Hannah skips, down the steps…

…slips, rolls her ankle.

Just like they’d agreed.

Cameras zoom in: Maxine clutches her injured daughter, distraught. Hannah’s face, fear and disgrace. Maxine had insisted, ‘People don’t just want a winner anymore, they want more, they want a story.’ Maxine would deliver a social-media frenzy, weeks of tweets, nurtured hype, Hannah’s heroic recovery.

Fame’s a fickle thing, brings strange feeling to the surface. 

She won silver, in the end.


About our winner…

Katrina Moinet writes short fiction and poetry that explores female experiences, personal and political. She won the 2021 Globe Soup Short Story prize with 'Nowhere Else I need to be' and has been shortlisted for Staunch International Short Story and Flash Fiction prizes. Her work is included in Nation.Cymru Culture section and the 2021 Poetry Marathon Anthology. Katrina's completing a creative writing Masters jointly at Bangor University and The Open University. She lives on Anglesey with her husband and daughter. Follow her on Twitter @KMoinetwrites

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